Category: 2011 Season – One Word
Earth Day Improvisation at Grounds For Sculpture
For the past eight years, MM2 Modern Dance has found a home at the Grounds for Sculpture, where it has been able to dance and offer a variety of programs to the public in one of the most inspirational of settings.
2011 Season Cast
After several months of auditions, the cast of MM2 Modern Dance has been selected for the 2011 season. Returning this year are Jessica Bryan, Jenna Faye Eugenides and Stephanie King. New to the cast for 2011 are Katelyn Capato, Heather Fleischman, Kaylee Goodwin, Shara Harad and Brianne Scott. These eight emerging choreographers and dancers will…
2011 season – One Word
ONE WORD From the very beginning when the first words were uttered, the ability to communicate has played an important role in our world. Whether within our own thoughts, spoken or written, words have the power to transform the world we live in. Love, laughter, heroism, friendship, and virtually every emotion we feel as human…